Monday, November 26, 2018

Your feet and the Snowy Day

Snow in November? Blizzard conditions in November? Some people may not be ready for this cold and snowy day since it arrived early. Not only do you need to worry about your coat, gloves, and hat, but you also need to give some thought to your winter boots. Winter boots should be warm, waterproof and supportive. Nothing is worse than trekking through the snow in boots that do not offer support of the arch, heel and ankle, as this can lead to pain. Pain in the feet and ankles but also in the hips, knees, and back. The skeleton consists of bones that connect with each other, so disrupting one part of the entity can cause pain or problems in another area. Waterproof boots that keep the feet warm and dry can protect against frostbite. In addition to support, it is also good if the boots protect you from falling or sliding by being slip resistant. Obviously, serious injuries can occur when you fall in the winter: sprains, broken bones, abrasions (skin injuries), and contusions. Enjoy the warm weather, but do not forget to protect your feet! Questions? Schedule an appointment at or 708-763-0580.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Stress Fractures and Female Runners and Athletes

The Chicago Marathon just took place, and along with the various other races that people are training for, I have seen an increase in stress fractures in the feet. Stress fractures are very small, hairline cracks in one of both sides of a bone that can occur from repetitive trauma, as with running. These are the biggest cause of pain and swelling in the forefoot and top of the foot for women over age 35 that come into my office. Bone density starts to decrease at age 35, and that contributes to this issue, along with the repeated trauma of running and other sports on the feet. Other factors such as obesity, improper shoegear, improper diet, various health conditions and diseases, and improper training can contribute to stress fractures in female recreational athletes. Stress fractures do not always show up on x-rays and additional tests may be necessary. Sometimes, the diagnosis is purely a clinical one based on the office exam. Do you have foot pain and swelling? Give us a call for an appointment, 708-763-0580, or visit for more information or to schedule online.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Warm Weather Flip Flop Foot injuries!

Over the summer, I have had an increase in patient injuries caused by flip flops. It is very easy to slip these on to your feet and walk the dog, run an errand, or hang out with friends. However, flip flops generally offer little or no support to the foot, and they also offer no protection to the foot. For example, when out walking the dog, the flip flop can turn under the foot, causing abrasions, blisters, and broken toes. More serious injuries can occur, such as broken bones to other areas of the foot and sprained ankles due to sidewalk cracks, curbs, dogs that suddenly walk or run faster, or irregularities in other surfaces like grass, rocks, or dirt paths. Obviously, there is no protection to the toes with flip flops, and it is easier to bump them against objects, have them get stepped on, or for objects to drop on them. A closed toe shoe offers significantly more protect to the toes. Most of the toe injuries that I treat in the office are due to flip flops, sandals, and barefoot walking. Additionally, I have seen an increase in heel pain, arch pain and tendon injuries with prolonged flip flop use over the summer. These can include swelling in some cases, but often just present with pain. Interestingly, the pain can be after rest or when you get up in the morning or after walking. Treatment can include better shoes, strapping and taping, ice, medication, physical therapy, orthotic devices, immobilization, and injections depending on the location of the pain and other factors. If you do like flip flops or sandals, consider using a pair that cups the heel and supports the arch. These are somewhat better for supporting and stabilizing the foot but still do not offer the protection and support of a gym shoe. Ideally, if you are walking your dog or walking for long periods of time, it is better to wear a gym shoe. Questions? Come visit us! 708-763-0580 or

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Does your Heel Hurt when you Wake Up in the Morning?

One of the most common things patients say to me in the office is that their heel hurts when they wake up in the morning. They hobble around or have great difficulty putting their weight on the heel for a few minutes. What is going on? This is typically plantar fasciitis, which is a common condition that involves inflammation of the plantar fascia, a structure on the bottom of the foot. It often hurts on the bottom of the heel but can also hurt in the arch area of the foot. If this is something you suffer with, come visit us! You can schedule on or by calling 708-763-0580.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Why should you wear shoes around the pool?

Now that the outdoor pools are open in our community, I am writing to remind people that it is important to wear shoes around the pool area and in the locker rooms. There are a variety of important reasons why this will keep your feet safe! 1. Warts are caused by a virus that inhabits warm, moist environments like the pool and changing rooms. Warts are painful areas on the feet that can multiply and cause pain with shoes, walking, and sports. After swimming, it is helpful to dry the feet thoroughly. If you noticed a new area on your foot that looks like a corn or callous and hurts, it is important to get it assessed, as it may be a wart. Warts are often treated with acid and topical medications. 2. Athlete's foot or tinea pedis is a fungal skin infection that also thrives in wet, hot locations, like sweaty feet or the floors of locker rooms. It is also very easy to pass on to other people. The feet may get itchy, red, or develop small painful blisters. Athlete's foot needs to be treated typically with a cream, gel, or ointment that is prescribed by a physician. To prevent this condition, it is important to keep the feet dry by changing socks frequently, spraying the feet with anti-fungal spray, and wearing shoes in locker rooms. 3. Walking barefoot in locker rooms or around the pool can cause you to step on a foreign object like glass, splinters, tiny rocks, and other small items. These can cut the skin or become lodged in the skin. It is important to get proper treatment if you step on something outside to avoid infection or development of a sore that will not heal. Foot Problem? Give us a call, 708-763-0580, or visit

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Seniors and Proper Shoegear

As the weather improves, people are outside more, and today, I had the opportunity to see many people walking around the community due to the weather. Specifically, I noticed two senior citizens outside walking with their canes, and both had shoegear that was not adequately supporting their feet. Especially with seniors, a supportive walking shoe that cannot bend, collapse, or twist is ideal. This allows the muscles and tendons to work more efficiently when the person is walking by supporting and stabilizing the foot and ankle. If you watch someone walking from behind with a flexible shoe, their ankles and sometimes knees collapse inward, and their toes often point outward. When that same type of foot goes in a supportive walking shoe, the ankle does not collapse in as much and the toes or forefoot are in a better position. Not only do good shoes prevent falls, but they also allow senior citizens to have a better quality of life. The feet will feel more comfortable, less fatigued, and can function better. Feel free to schedule an appointment with me if you have additional questions about your feet and what shoes would be best!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Stress Fractures in Women

The most common reason a woman over the age of thirty-five comes into my office with a swollen, sore area on the top of the foot is a stress fracture. Stress fractures are hairline breaks in a bone that may be through one or both sides or cotices of the bone and develop for a variety of reasons, including reduced bone density, age, obesity, various health conditions, repetitive movements (like marching, running, or jumping), poor circulation, trauma, and other causes. The metatarsal bones of the foot area common locations for stress fractures, but any bone in the foot can develop a stress fracture. Often, there is pain, swelling, and difficulty walking when the bones of the foot develop this type of fracture. X-rays are ordered when a stress fracture is suspected. However, x-rays are frequently negative for a stress fracture, and more advanced modalities like CT scans or MRI or repeat x-rays at a later date may be needed to see the fracture. A stress fracture needs to be immobilized in order to heal properly. Unprotected walking with a regular shoe can cause the stress fracture to shift out of place, not heal properly, or cause continued pain and swelling in the foot. Thus, proper treatment with a physician is necessary. Other considerations for healing of a stress fracture of the foot include reducing standing and walking (delays healing), controlling other health conditions (like blood sugar for diabetics), and assessing and treating reduced bone density (increasing Vitamin D intake if low). Do you have a painful, swollen foot? Give us a call, 708-763-0580, or visit

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Care of the skin of the feet during the Winter

As temperatures drop in Chicagoland, the skin of the feet can suffer. Dryness, itching, pain, redness, sores, cracks, and warts can develop. How do we prevent these conditions and keep our feet healthy? What needs to be done if we develop one of these problems with the feet? Colder temperatures often mean dry, cracked, and sometimes, itchy feet for many people. Additionally, our waterproof winter shoe gear and boots, can keep our feet dry but can also cause hot, sweaty feet that are more prone to problems like Athlete's Foot, warts, and bacterial infections. Easy Tips for Healthy Winter Feet. 1. Moisturize the tops and bottoms of the feet but not between the toes. First, it is essential to keep the feet moisturized during the colder months. I prefer to have patients use vaseline or a thick foot cream twice per day, but never between the toes. This keeps the feet, and especially the heels, soft and can ward off cracks or fissures in the skin that can be painful and get infected. The areas between the toes can get too moist in our shoes or boots, so adding additional cream between the toes can lead to cracks, sores, and pain. Thus, I recommend anti-fungal spray or powder between the toes to prevent Athlete's Foot and keep these areas drier than the rest of the foot. 2. Wear waterproof boots but beware of hot, sweaty feet! Waterproof boots and shoes are excellent for keeping our feet warm and dry. However, they can also make our feet sweaty and hot. I recommend removing boots when you get to work or school and wearing other shoes during the day when indoors. Especially for children and teens, wearing snow boots all day in school and gym class can lead to very moist and sweaty feet. Additionally, it is important to change socks daily or even a few times a day when wearing winter boots. Warm, sweaty socks allow bacteria, viruses, and fungi to thrive and grow on our feet, as they need warm, moist environments for growth. These organisms can cause fungal and bacterial infections and warts, all of which will require a visit to a podiatrist. Additionally, spraying the shoes or boots out with lysol daily is a good way to stop colonization of organisms in the boots if they are moist from the sweaty feet at the end of the day. If you do develop warts (hard, painful areas on the feet), Athlete's Foot (scaling, redness, blisters, and itching), or an open sore, schedule a podiatry appointment! Question about your feet during the winter months? Schedule a podiatry appointment, 708-763-0580, or As always, you can email the office directly if you have trouble scheduling,