Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ankle Injuries, like Bull's player Derrick Rose

The ankle is a complicated structure, with three bones and several ligaments holding it together. Each side of the ankle has several major tendons that move across it to allow it to move in the direction needed for walking, running, jumping, etc. Although, the X-Rays for Derrick Rose (of the Chicago Bulls) are negative for a fracture or break in his bone, the soft tissue injuries to the ligaments of the ankle can also cause significant pain, swelling, and reduced ability to function.

If you injure your ankle, it is important to ice it, wrap it with an ace wrap, elevate it, and rest. It is essential to make an appointment with a foot and ankle specialist to get X-Rays and develop a plan for healing. Often, braces, soft casts, walking boots, physical therapy, and medication are incorporated into the initial treatment. MRI and Ultrasound may also be used to look at the integrity of the soft tissue structures.

Please call for your appointment today if you have this problem. 708-763-0580

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