Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cold Weather leads to Cold Feet-Frostbite

Remember to wear warm socks and shoes during this cold weather. Prolonged exposure to the elements is dangerous for our feet. For certain people, such as the elderly, smokers, people with chronic health problems, and people with peripheral vascular disease (poor bloodflow), extended time in the cold can lead to frostbite. Frostbite can cause redness, blistering, sloughing off of skin, open sores, or gangrene. It is essential that you protect yourself with WARM socks and shoes/boots. If you do feel that you may have frostbite, you need to report to the nearest Emergency Room for treatment.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Ingrown toenails

Ingrown toenails occur when the edges of the toenail grow into the adjacent skin. If the ingrown nail is not removed, it can cut into the adjacent skin and potentially cause an infection. The surrounding skin will become painful, red, swollen, and hot. Occasionally, pus can come out of the area. If this happens, it is important to make an appointment to have the toe numbed up (with an injection) and have the ingrown toenail removed. After the ingrown nail is removed, soaking, topical antibiotic ointment, and occasionally oral antibiotics are incorporated in the treatment plan. Please contact the office at 708-763-0580 if you are suffering from this condition.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What is Gout?


Gout occurs when a joint becomes red, hot, swollen, and very painful. It often affects the big toe joint but can affect any joint in the foot or ankle. Increased amounts of uric acid (a waste product in the body) can bring on an attack of gout.

Risk Factors
Men are more likely to get gout than women. However, after menopause, the risk of developing gout increases for women.

People on diuretics or water pills are at increased risk for developing gout.

People that drink a lot of alcohol can develop gout.

Certain foods can trigger an attack of gout.
Red meat, organ meat, shrimp and other shellfish, turkey
Green leafy vegetables like spinach, turnip greens, mustard greens

Diagnosis and Treatment
Gout can often be diagnosed based on your symptoms, history, x-rays, and blood work (can reveal an increase in uric acid during an attack). Treatments include the following: medication, injections, rest, surgical shoes or cam walker boots, and strapping of the foot and ankle. Some people need to take daily medication if they get recurrent gout attacks. The best way to prevent gout is to limit intake of excess alcohol and foods that cause gout.
Information prepared by Dr. Bender, 708-763-0580(Oak Park) and 773-776-3166 (Chicago).