Friday, September 27, 2013

What is a Morton's Neuroma?

Patients come into the office with a series of complaints when they have a Morton's Neuroma: tingling to the toes; feeling of walking on a pebble, bunched up sock, or cushion under the foot; shooting or stabbing pain; or inability to wear high heeled shoes. Further, the toes may form a "V," rather than being straight and symmetrical like the other toes. A Morton's Neuroma is actually inflammation around the nerve that goes to the toes of the foot, typically the second and third toes. Usually, the metatarsal bones that are on either side of the nerve are too close together, and the continual friction creates the inflammation around the nerve. Abnormal foot mechanics or injury can also cause the neuroma. Morton's Neuromas can be treated with medications, injections, padding, custom molded orthotic devices, or surgical excision. Surgical excision is only used as a final result if the conservative measures do not relieve the pain. If you have this type of pain, please call for an appointment with Dr. Bender at 708-763-0580. She has Monday through Friday hours at her Oak Park location, and Monday morning hours at the 63rd/Chicago. Get your FEET in good shape for the Fall!

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