Thursday, October 24, 2013

What are Shin Splints?

You are undertaking a new exercise program or trying to increase your current program, and suddenly, you get pain along the front of your legs. Obviously, many things could be causing this, but one of the common causes is shin splints. Increasing training too rapidly, hard training surfaces, shoes with inadequate support, high heels, and arches that are too high or too low can all cause inflammation on the front of the legs. The periostium that lines our bones can become irritated (even having small tears) where the muscles meet the bone, specifically on the tibia (one of our two leg bones). If you experience this problem, it is important to begin RICE: rest, ice, compression or strapping, and elevation. Further, anti-inflammatory medications like motrin can be used if you are medically able to take these over the counter drugs. New shoe gear that is more supportive is critical. Additionally, it is important to see your podiatrist for custom molded orthotic devices that will support the feet and control abnormal motion. Finally, avoiding hard training surfaces, high heels, and shoes or activities that aggravate the condition will help reduce pain and recurrence. Dr. Bender, 708-763-0580,

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