Monday, May 2, 2016

Supportive Shoes-Why are they so Important?

Every day, I encounter people with major foot pain. AND, every day, I find that many of those people are wearing shoes that are bad for their feet-too tight, too pointed, too flexible, too high, too flat..... The patient is often shocked when I twist, bend, or even roll their shoe up into a ball! Bad shoes are not the only reason many of these patients have foot pain, but the poor choice in shoes is often not helping the already injured, inflamed, or irritated foot. Supportive shoes should not bend in half, be easily twisted, or rolled up. The foot counts on the support from our shoes to function properly all day. Walking, climbing stairs, jogging to the train, rapidly shifting to the side to grab something, jumping, kneeling to garden or pick something up, and many other actions can be achieved more easily with a supportive shoe. High heels, many styles of flip flops, ballet flats, and pointed shoes often do not stabilize the foot and can actually put the foot in danger. Next time you are shopping, pick out shoes that are good for your feet! If your foot hurts, give us a call, 708-763-0580, or visit

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