Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Why do my feet SMELL?

Smelly feet are a frequent complaint in my office, especially as the temperatures rise. In fact, I was buying my morning coffee yesterday and was flagged down by a grandfather who wanted to know how to combat his grandson's odorous feet. Warm feet, socks, and shoes are the perfect habitat for fungi, bacteria, and viruses to thrive in because they like warm, moist environments. These organisms often cause the odor. Our feet have thousands of sweat glands, especially on the bottoms. Sports, anxiety, warm temperatures, pregnancy, obesity, certain diseases, and genetics can play a role in how sweaty a person's feet are on a regular basis. Daily bathing with extra attention to cleaning the areas between the toes is essential. Keeping the feet dry with anti fungal sprays and powders and wearing and regularly changing socks can also help. Additionally, socks that wick away moisture are very helpful and keeping the feet dry and reducing odor. Not wearing socks at all can increase the foot odor and make the shoes smell. Letting shoes air out over night in a well ventilated area is very helpful, and it is even better to rotate the shoes that are worn (alternating each day). Finally, spraying shoes out with lysol or a shoe deodorizer each day is a good way to reduce the odor in the shoes. Occasionally, prescription antiperspirants may also be needed to keep the feet dry and odor free. Foot problems? Give us a call, 708-763-0580.

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